Asthma :

It is a disease in which airways become blocked or it is narrrowed  which causes difficulty in breathing. Most of times airways is also swelled up and produces extra mucus. The excess amount of mucus leads to more difficulty in breathing because it is sticky and thin as well.

Asthma can be prevented as well as cured by performing  these asanas :-


Procedure - sit down on floor gently with legs straight. Then bend your left leg and put that foot below the right thigh. Then bend right leg and place the feet under left thigh. place the hands on knees and neck, head, back, must be straight. At last close your eyes and relax your body. 

Benefits - 
A. It calms your mind.

B. It stretches our spine.

C. It improves body posture and provide gentle massage to knees.

D. It reduces anxiety, stress and mental fatigues.

E. It maintains a sense of calmness and balance in our body.

Contraindications - 
A. If one is suffering from knees or hip injury he or she should avoid this asana. 

B. An individual suffering from slipped disc should take proper care while performing this asana.


Procedure - First of all lie down on your back then fix your hands firmly on the ground. Then raise the middle portion of your body upwards. Raise it as high as possible so that your body is in a semicircle position then keep your head downwards between your hands and hold this position for three to five minutes.

Benefits - 
A. It cause back pain.

B. It cause infertility, asthma and osteoporosis.
C. It gives relief from stress and reduce depression.

D. It prevents problem of hernia.

E. More fresh oxygen is made available to our body because of stretching the chest.

Contraindications -
A. Individual suffering from wrists problems should avoid this asana.

B. Don't perform this aasan in case of shoulder impingement.

C. One suffering from headache and high blood pressure should not perform this asana.


Procedure - set down on the ground with legs straight. Now fold the left leg at the knee and sit on the left foot. For the right leg and keep the right thigh on the left thigh with the help of your hands. Folder right arm behind the back under the right shoulder. After that bend your fingers of both the hands and clasp each other at this time your head and weight should be erect.

Benefits - 
A. It makes the leg muscles strong and elastic.

B. Regular practice of this asana helps in treatment of sciatica. 

C. It helps in staying fit and strong also it reduces stress and anxiety. 

D. It helps in keeping the shoulder joints healthy, flexible and strong.

Contraindications - 
A. Avoid this aasan in case of any knee injury.

B. About this asana in case of  hip injury or inflammation.

C. One suffering from shoulder or back pain should avoid this asana.


Procedure - first of all sitting padmasana stretch your arm sideways and bring them overhead slowly. After that let  your palms touch each other. Then stretch your hands upward  well without bending elbows. Make sure that your spine is erect.

Benefits - 
A. It helps in enhancing height.

B. It don't say abdominal muscle and thus stimulates the organ of abdominal region.

C. It gives relief from tension in shoulder and back.

D. It is extremely beneficial and case of asthma.

E. It help in reducing back pain and also it improve the function of spinal cord.

Contraindications - 
A. Medicine in case of hip or back injury.

B. An individual suffering from shoulder injuries should also avoid this asana.


Procedure - In order to perform this asana coma lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your hands near the shoulders, keep your legs close together. Now straight up your arms slowly and raise the chest, your head should be backward. Perform this asana for 3 to 5 times for good result.

Benefits - 
A. It increases our strength and ability.

B. It makes the vertebral column flexible and thin. 

C. It cures indigestion, disorders. 

D. It improves blood circulation and it also cures disease of liver. 

Contraindications - 
A. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.

B. This asana must be avoided by people who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headaches and recent abdominal surgeries.


Procedure - Sit on the ground with legs forward. Then hold your toes with help of your fingers, while going down exhale slowly and now try to touch your head with your knees. After that breathe in slowly and gently raise your head up to come back in normal position. For affective results one must do this asana for 10 to 15 times.

Benefits - 
A.  Best remedy for constipation.

B. Helpful in removing all skin related problems.

C. Vertebra becomes healthy and flexible.

D. It reduces obesity, gives relief in sciatica, backache and asthma.

Contraindications - 
A. If an individual is suffering from respiratory diseases he / she should not avoid this asana.

B. One having back or spinal problems should avoid or he can perform this asana but only under  experts guidance.



Yuvraj Pareek said…
So knowledgeable! 💯
Yuvraj Pareek said…
Very helpful 💯👏
Ishaan Rathi said…
Well written content
Satyam Daulani said…
Nice content and informative too. 👏👏👏
Ishi Rathi said…
Very well written 👍💯
Ishi Rathi said…
Very well written 👍💯

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