
Showing posts from June, 2021

Some Best Protein Rich Foods.

Protein is a macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass. It is commonly found in animal products, though it is also present in other food items.  Source Protein is a compound, which is formed by the combination of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. Protein is also called nitrogenous food. The base for living cells (protoplasm) is also formed by protein. protein also plays a very significant role in mental development of any individual. For a healthy diet there must be an intake of 45 grams by any female body in one day and 56 grams by a male body. * Below is the list of some foods rich in protein. 1. Eggs Eggs are among the healthiest and most nutritious food available. They are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, eye protecting antioxidants and some brain nutrients. Eggs and food containing egg are not suitable for people with an egg allergy.  One large egg contains 6 grams of protein and 78 calories. 2. Almonds Almond is a very popular as well as expensive typ

15 Minutes Whole Body Workout at Home.

This workout will hit all of your major muscles without any equipment. Be regular Be fit.   Instruction : Do perform all exercises daily for the time mentioned below after each exercise, then immediately continue on the next as quickly as you can. Once you have completed all these exercises, repeat twice these exercises so that it complete for 3 rounds. 1. Plank Toe Touch Source How to perform - Start in a high plank position. Engage your lower abs and push your hips high so that your body makes a "v". Keep your leg straight. Now take your right hand and reach your left toe. Return back to high plank position. Repeat the same from opposite side of your body.   That is one rep, repeat it for 45 seconds. 2. Lateral Hop Source How to perform - Start by standing with both feet flat on the floor. Take a big jump to the left side land softly on your left foot with right knee raised. From here, push off through left leg to leap to the right, landing one right leg with left knee rais

Best Cardio Workout at Your Home.

Source Cardio is defined as any type of exercise that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for a prolonged period of time. Your respiratory system will start working harder as you begin to breathe faster and more deeply. 10 Benefits of cardio workout : .   Lowers blood pressure. . Helps regulate blood sugar. . Reduce  asthma symptoms. .  Reduce chronic pain. . Regulates weight. . Aids sleep. . Improves brain power. . Strengthens immune system. . Boosts mood. . Improves cardiovascular health. Exercises to be performed for good cardio workout -: Walking, jogging, and jumping are the most common cardio exercises, but there are several other cardio exercises you can do to achieve a healthy and toned look. Below are some other popular cardio exercises: 1. Plank Jacks Source To perform this exercise you should start in a plank position. make sure your core is tight, jump your feet apart, and then bring your feet back to the starting position. It is very important to keep your abs engaged

Types of Push-Ups [PART-2]

Source In part 1 we have discussed about 4 types of push ups, for beginners and today we will discuss about some types of push ups for veterans. Those who have still not red my last post on (types of push ups for beginner), the link is given here go and read it.                       [ Link- ]. 1. Diamond Push-ups. Source Diamond push-ups also known as triangle push-ups is more advance d level of the classic push ups. Procedure - Get on your toes and palms. Now position your index finger and thumbs so they are touching each other and forming a triangle or a diamond. Extend your arms so that your body is elevated from floor and forms a straight line from your head to feet. Lower your chest towards your hand, ensuring you do not flare your elbows out to the sides and keeping your back flat. Stop just before your chest touches the floor, then push back up to the starting position. Benefits - It increases the upper

Types Of Push-Ups [PART-1].

Source A push-up is a common calisthenics exercise beginning from the prone position. By raising and lowering the body using the arms, push-ups exercise the muscles, triceps, shoulders and our whole body.  Types of push-ups : There are lots of types of push-ups available according to once capacity to perform. Following are some types of push-ups for beginners as well as for senior. 1.  Standard Wall Push-ups. Source You can make this exercise easier or more challenging by adjusting the distance your feet are away from the wall. The farther away they are, the more of your own body weight you will have to support, and the harder move will be. procedure - Assume the starting position with feet and legs together, standing about 2 feet from a wall with your arms straight out in front of you. Palms should be on wall at about shoulder level height and shoulder width apart with finger pointed towards ceiling. Now bend your elbows and begin leaning towards the wall until your nose almost touche

5 Most Effective Exercises for Chest.

Source The chest is the major part of the men fitness. Chest symbolise your fitness. The chest is a very noticable part of the body. Make your chest fitness by this simple and easy chest workout for men. There is no specific time for performing these exercises. These 5 chest exercises will develop your chest fit and surrounding musculature, gives you a more imposing physique. Chest Workout #1 :  PUSH-UPS Source This is the most common exercise for the chest. This exercise is known as the master of all chest exercises. Push-ups not only work for fitness of chest but also it improves the posture of our body and makes the body look muscular. Chest Workout   #2 :  Weight Press For Chest. Source This workout of the chest directly hits on your chests muscles. This workout helps in developing shape of the chest.  Steps to be followed - Laid down on any stool or bench. Then hold weights in both hands. Lift these weights in air until your elbows are not straight. After holding 2-3 seconds lower

Fitness Trackers in budget & high ratings.

Source An activity tracker also known as fitness tracker, is a device or application  for monitoring and tracking fitness related terms such as distance walked, calories consumption, etc. It is also called as a type of wearable computer. 1. Noise color fit-2 fitness          band (unisex) :  Source Noise ColorFit 2 is a full featured fitness watch in a svelte form factor. Monitor your heart rate, receive sedentary reminders, track your steps, log your runs, bike rides, yoga, dance and even multiple sports activities with the built in multi-sports modes. For women, a built in period tracker makes tracking your menstrual cycle easier. Noise ColorFit 2 is also  swim-proof for up to 1.5m deep and up to 30 minutes.. Full smartphone notifications keep you connected throughout the day and a sleep tracker makes sure you are getting enough rest at night.  - 24x7 Heart Rate, Sleep & Step Tracking  - Multiple Sport Modes  - Camera Control  - Smartphone Notifications  - 0.96” Full Colour LCD  

Surya Namaskar: poses, Benefits and more.

  Source Surya Namaskar, salute to the sun is a practice in yoga exercise incorporating a flow sequence of some twelve gracefully linked asanas. Surya Namaskar is also known as the ultimate Asana as it also strengthens your back as well as your muscles and bring down blood sugar levels. It also improve metabolism and blood circulation and ensures regular menstrual cycle for women. Pose 1 : Prayer pose - pranamasana. Source Procedure - Start by standing straight at the front of your mat, bringing your feet together, and keeping arms loose alongside. Now close your eyes and bring up arms to make in the centre of your chest. Relax the whole body. Benefits -  A. This pose relaxes the nervous system and helps in gaining the balance of the body. B . It also helps relieve stress and anxiety. C. It relaxes thoracic region. Pose 2 :  Raised Arm Pose - Hasta Uttanasana Source Procedure -  This asana is started by deeply exhaling. Inhale deeply there after stretching your arms forward and bringi