Types Of Push-Ups [PART-1].

A push-up is a common calisthenics exercise beginning from the prone position. By raising and lowering the body using the arms, push-ups exercise the muscles, triceps, shoulders and our whole body. 

Types of push-ups :

There are lots of types of push-ups available according to once capacity to perform. Following are some types of push-ups for beginners as well as for senior.

1.  Standard Wall Push-ups.

You can make this exercise easier or more challenging by adjusting the distance your feet are away from the wall. The farther away they are, the more of your own body weight you will have to support, and the harder move will be.

procedure - Assume the starting position with feet and legs together, standing about 2 feet from a wall with your arms straight out in front of you. Palms should be on wall at about shoulder level height and shoulder width apart with finger pointed towards ceiling. Now bend your elbows and begin leaning towards the wall until your nose almost touches it. Ensure that your back should be straight. Push back to starting position and repeat. Complete 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

2. Inclined Push-up. 


 If the wall push-ups are too easy for you then you are for the next level (Inclined Push-ups). Make sure that you are performing this exercise on a study surface. Make sure that your back should be straight when you are in plank position. One common mistake can lead to postural deformities in your body.

procedure - Stand in front of your box or bench, then bend your knees and keep your palms on either side of the box, finger tips should be in forward direction. Your hands should be shoulder width apart. Once your hands are in right direction step your body back into plank position. Looking a few inches ahead of you rather than down at the box can help your body straight. Now bend your arms to help you slowly lower your chest toward the box. straighten your arms to bring yourself back into straight line. Repeat it 10 times each set for 3 sets.

3. Knee Push-up.

This push up variation is done on the floor. support your body with your knees instead of your toes. This helps us in strengthening our core, increases metabolic rate and reduce bone loss. You can also add knee push-ups to your warm up routine for strengthening upper body muscles.

procedure - Place the knees on the floor, the hands below the shoulders, and cross your feet. Keeping your back straight, start bending the elbows until your chest is almost touching the floor. Pause and push back to the starting position. repeat it 10 times of 3 sets (each set is of 10 rounds).

4. Pike Push-ups.

 This push-up variation mainly works your shoulders and triceps. Your weight should be on the tips of our toes. It is a major shoulder strengthener. It recruits your core.

procedure - Your whole weight should be on tips of your toes and palms, your arms close to chest. Now bend your elbows and lower your upper body toward the floor. Then push-up yourself away from the floor again. The power should come from your shoulders and not from your hips. As shorter the distance will be between your legs and hands, more difficult the exercise it will be. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.    

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