Types of Push-Ups [PART-2]

In part 1 we have discussed about 4 types of push ups, for beginners and today we will discuss about some types of push ups for veterans. Those who have still not red my last post on (types of push ups for beginner), the link is given here go and read it.                       [ Link- https://getfitogether12.blogspot.com/2021/06/types-of-push-ups-part-1.html].

1. Diamond Push-ups.

Diamond push-ups also known as triangle push-ups is more advanced level of the classic push ups.

Procedure - Get on your toes and palms. Now position your index finger and thumbs so they are touching each other and forming a triangle or a diamond. Extend your arms so that your body is elevated from floor and forms a straight line from your head to feet.
Lower your chest towards your hand, ensuring you do not flare your elbows out to the sides and keeping your back flat. Stop just before your chest touches the floor, then push back up to the starting position.

Benefits - It increases the upper body strength, core strength and stability. It also increases our arm size and strength and enhances our stamina.

2. One Hand Push-ups.

Procedure - Get into push up position with one hand on the surface and spread your feet wide apart. Tense your entire body and hold your free hand tight against your lower back. Now lower your body slowly until your chest nearly touches, then explode up to starting position.

Benefits - It strengthen our hip muscle, balances our whole body. Strengthen shoulder muscles and target core muscles, also helpful in developing upper body strength.

3. Clap Push-ups.

Procedure - Start in classic push up position. Now take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly bend your elbows, lowering your entire body to the floor. Create a pressure through your palms and push yourself upward in the air and simultaneously you have to clap in the air. Return to ground slowly and start this whole process again and this is one rep. If this is too hard for you then perform the same push up on your knees.

Benefits - This creates a dynamic strength in your upper body. It mainly works on shoulder muscles, chest muscles and arms.

4. Archer Push-ups.

 This push up allows you to take a higher percentage of your own body weight with one arm. 

Procedure - Start with classic push up position with your arms wider than shoulder width. Now keep the body in a straight line, bring the body down on the right side by bending the right elbow and straightening the left arm out to the left side. Come back up and into the middle. Now repeat the same motion from another side of your body.

Benefits - This promotes our full body control. Enhances our triceps and shoulder muscle.

5. Spiderman (side kick) Push-ups.

This is the advanced level of push-up and not for beginners, proper warm up is mandatory before performing this exercise.

Procedure - Start with hand on floor slightly wider than shoulders, legs long, and toe in a full plank position. Drop into a push up position by bending your elbows out to the side and lowering your chest towards the mat or surface and now pull the left knee toward the outside of your left elbow and hold for one count, then press up to plank position. Now repeat the same motion from another side.

Benefits - This exercise is great for developing upper body strength. Enhances the muscles of your chest, triceps, shoulders, and forearms all get a workout.


                                    Thankyou for visiting.


Unknown said…
Hey!!! Am a trainee i.e preparing for a fitness trainer and your blogs helps me a lot!!!! ❤

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