Healthy weight -

According to National Institute of Health "A healthy weight is considered to be the one that is between 19-25 (BMI) Body Mass Index. If BMI is between 25-29 than the adult is considered overweight. If the BMI is 30 or greater than an individual is considered to be obese.

Two methods to calculate or find the healthy weight are :

1. Through Height and Weight chart.

                       #  For Males


                      #  For Females

2. Through BMI (body mass index).

    CATEGORY                     BMI
    Underweight                less than 18.5
    Normal weight            18.5 - 24.9
    Overweight                  25.0 - 29.9
    Obesity Class I             30.0 - 34.9
    Obesity Class II            35.0 - 39.9
    Obesity Class III           more than 

Formula of BMI= weight in kg/height in m²

# Methods to control healthy body       weight :-

1. Cut your calories - 

If your body weight between begins to exceed the required level. Then you must cut or subtract only 100 calories a day. In this way you can return to the goal set by you.

2. Yogic exercises - 

Yoga on daily basis can control as well as maintain proper weight. Pranayam, bhujangasan are some which specially helps in maintain healthy body weight.

3. Avoid junk and fast foods -

If you want to lose weight then you must try to avoid junk food such as pizza, burger, chips, cookies, cold drinks, etc. Intake of this food leads to overweight of an individual.

4. Don't skip meals - 

If you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight then you don't even try to think about skipping meal because the next time you will definitely overeat ( to fulfill the skipped meal) which  lead to obesity.

5. Don't eat smaller meals frequently -

You should not form a habit of eating smaller meals frequently. So avoid eating smaller meals frequently to avoid adding excess fat to the body.

6. Set an appropriate goal - 

For losing or maintaining a healthy body weight one should set an appropriate goal that is how much weight you want to shed all those. While setting the goal you should know about your capacity and limitations and your goal should be achievable.

7. Active lifestyle - 

An active dynamic lifestyle plays a very crucial role in controlling or maintaining healthy body weight. School children should prefer to walk instead of using vehicle or elevator or lift. Adults should also play some outdoor games to remain fit and healthy.

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Geetesh said…
BMI 21 ��
Satyam Daulani said…
Interactive and nice content.
Vedant jangir said…

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