Hypertension :-

Basic meaning of hypertension is high blood pressure. It has become a world-wide problem because people are overthinking about themselves and people around them which causes high BP and hypertension.
However it is mostly found in adults due to their faulty lifestyle.
Normal BP of an adult is 120/80 mmHg. Person having blood pressure more than 140/90 mmHg is under hypertension.

Asanas for preventing hypertension are:


Procedure - Stand up in attention pose. Lift your arms upwards. Raise your heels, and come on your toes. Now pull your body upwards. After some time breathe out slowly and come to previous position.
For best results perform this asana for 10 to 15 times.

Benefits - 
A. It improves body posture.

B. It is most effective asana for increasing height.

C. It is helpful in developing physical and mental balance.

D. It is beneficial in treating hypertension.

E. It reduces obesity, cures constipation and digestive problems.

Contraindications - 
A. If any individual is having low blood pressure he/she does not have to perform this asana.

B. In case of headache and insomnia one should avoid this asana.


Procedure - stand straight with both feet together. Hold your hips with your hands. Bend backwards without bending your knees with slow inhalation. 
For best results perform this asana for 2-3 times.

Benefits - 
A. It improves digestion.

B. It relieves stress and tension and also helpful in alleviating upper back pain.

C. It relieves stress in neck and shoulder.

D. It helps to make ankles, thigh, shoulder, chest, spine and abdomen stronger.

E. It cures menstrual disorders, pain in legs.

Contraindications - 
A. Avoid performing this aasan if you have migraine, headache, low blood pressure, and diarrhoea.

B. Avoid this aasan in case of hip or spinal problems.

C. Pregnant women should avoid doing this aasan.


Procedure - Lie down in on the floor election be straight. Keep the arms away from the body full stop leave all the limbs loss as well as relaxed close your eyes and then gently breathe in. Feel a complete relaxation in your body. Remain in this position for 10 to 12 minutes.

Benefits -
A. It strengthens the nervous system.

B. It cures most type of cardiac problems.

C. It regulates perfect blood circulation and provide relief in many types of pains.

D. It controls high blood pressure.

E. It relaxes and calms complete body.

F. It increases energy level and also give new vigour to both mind and body. 


Procedure -  first of all lie down on the belly on ground, keep your hands near the shoulders. Keep your legs close together. Now straighten up your arms slowly and raise up the chest. Your head should be backward. Keep this position for some time.
For best results perform this asana for 4-5 times.

Procedure - 
A. It improves our blood circulation.

B. It cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion.

C. It strengthens the muscles of hands.

D. It gives relief in disorder of urinary bladder. 

E. It removes diseases of liver and also alleviate obesity.

Contraindications - 
A. Pregnant women should avoid this asana.

B. Individual suffering from hernia or back injury should not perform this asana.


Procedure - lie down on a back on a plane surface. Keep your feet together and place your arms beside your body. Take a deep breath. While exhaling bring your knees towards your chest. At the same time pressure thighs on your abdomen. Clasp your hands around your legs. Hold the asana when your breathing is normal. Make sure that with every inhale, you have to loosen your grip.

Benefits - 
A. It eases the tension in lower back.

B. It enhances blood circulation in pelvic area.

C. It helps in reducing the fats of thighs, buttocks and abdominal area.

D. It massages the intestine and organs of digestive system which helps in improving digestion.

Contraindications - 
A. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.

B. If you had an abdominal surgery recently you should perform this asana under expert guidance.

C. Individual having piles should avoid performing  this asana.

           Thankyou for visiting see you soon.


Ishi Rathi said…
Kunal Daulani said…
Yuvraj Pareek said…
This is something very useful! Way more to go manπŸ’―
Unknown said…
Amazing, helpful content.
Satyam Daulani said…
Nice πŸ‘πŸ‘
Nice content πŸ’―
Unknown said…
helpful information

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