The condition of the body in which the fay increases to extreme level is called obesity.
It can also be called as, when an individual weighs 20% more than its ideal weight.
An adult with BMI equal to or more than 30 is usually considered as obese.

[BMI = weight in kg/ (height in metre)²]

Preventive Asanas :-


Procedure - kneel on the ground with your kneel, ankles and toes touching the ground. Toes should be stretched backwards, now place your palms of hands on knees. The upper body should be straight, breathing must be deep and slow. Then pull your abdominal portion inside, expand the chest.

Benefits - 
 A.  It is helpful in increasing concentration power.

B. It is helpful in back pain and chest disease.

C.  It reduces hip fat.

D. It gives relief in constipation, acidity.

E. Increases efficiency of digestive system and helpful in decreasing mental stress.

Contraindications -
A. An individual suffering from joint pain should not perform this asana.

B. Person suffering from spinal column problem should avoid this asana.


Procedure - stand straight on a flat surface, bend forward until fingers or palms of your hands touch your feet or either side of floor.
Try to touch your forehead with knees, do not bent your knees. Exhale while bending forward, inhale while coming back.

Benefits -
A. Eliminates excess belly fat in body.

B. Improves blood circulation and flexibility in your body.

C. It improves digestion and cures constipation and many stomach ailments.

D. It makes spinal flexible.

Contraindications - 
A. Individual suffering from back pain should avoid this asana and if performing then he or she does not bend fully forward.

Procedure - stand straight with your arms at your sides, then gently raise them upwards and your arms must be parallel to each other. Your palms should face each other, your shoulders must be away from your ears. Straighten your legs but do not lock your knees.

Benefits -
A. Improves digestion.

B. Helps in tightening the abdomen.

C. Armpits and shoulder are stretched and enables flexibility.

D. Improves circulation of blood in body.

E. It relieves stress and anxiety.

Contraindications -
A. Person suffering from shoulder injury should avoid this asana.

B. Individuals with neck problems should also avoid this asana.


Procedure - in beginning stand with your legs apart, then raise the arms sideways up to shoulder level. Bend your trunk sideways and raise opposite hand upward, another hand should touch the ground or feet.
After a period of time perform same asana with opposite side.

Benefits -
A. It strengthens the legs, knees, back , chest and hands.

B. It helps in increasing height.

C. It reduces the excess body weight.

D. Improves digestion and stimulates all abdominal organs.

E. Increases mental health and equilibrium.

Contraindications - 
A. Person suffering from cervical problems should avoid this kind of asana.

B. Suffering from Blood Pressure problems then one should avoid doing Trikonasana.

C. Person having migraine and back injury should not perform this asana.


Procedure - first of all sit on a plain surface, then keep your left heel under the right thigh and right leg is crossed over the left thigh. Afterwards hold your right toe with left hand and then turn your head and back to the right side, in this position move your trunk sideways. Perform same in reverse position.

Benefits -
A. It maintains gall bladder and prostate gland healthy.

B. It alleviate digestive ailments.

C. It is helpful in treating menstrual destruction, urinary tract disorder .

D. It enhances the stretchability of back muscles.

E. It regulates secretion of adrenaline and bile.

Contraindications - 
A. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.

B. Individuals suffering from hernia should only perform this asana under expert guidance.




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