‘To sit in a comfortable position for       everlasting period is called asana.’’
In asana, body is kept in various positions in such a way that the activities of organs and glands of body become more efficient and eventually the health of mind and body is improved.

Benefits of Asanas -:

A. Respiratory Organs Becomes Efficient -      By performing asanas on daily basis our respiratory organs become stronger. The vital air capacity of our lungs increases. As a result of doing asana many disease such as Asthma, cough, cancer can be prevented.

B. Muscles Becomes Strong - By performing asana regularly muscle in the body become strong. The efficiency of machine increases. Fat does not accumulate in the body.

C. Bones & Joints become stronger - By performing asana on a regular basis the bones, cartilage and ligaments become strong. It also enhances the height in children. The joints are able to bear more pressure. Asana also enhanced the  flexibility of joints. The flexibility of spine is also enhance. Postural deformity can also be prevented and cured.

D. Efficiency of Digestive System Increases  -  By performing asana regularly, all the organs of digestive system begins to work efficiently. The absorption of food become efficient. Constipation and problem of indigestion is reduced. The storage of bile in gall bladder in concentrated form is enhanced.

E. Immune System is Strengthened - By carrying out out regular practice of asanas pur immune system is enhanced and as a result we becomes less prone to various disease 

F. Nervous system Strengthens - As a result of performing regular asanas, our nervous system is strengthened, the working efficiency of synapse and enhances, neuro-muscular coordination increases, less energy will be consumed will performing any activity. Regular practice of yoga asanas reduces anxiety and stress and it also reduces sleep disorders.

G. Efficiency of Excretory System Enhances - Regular practice of yoga enhances all excretory organs. As a result the waste product such as lactic acid, urea, sulphates, uric acid, etc., are excreted quickly and properly which prevents many of diseases.

Some yoga asanas should be performed on daily basis-:

A. VAJRASANA -  This is the one & only asana which we can perform just after eating any meal.

B. URDHVA HASTASANA -  It is the natural way to stretch our whole body after sitting for a prolonged period of time. It is also performed as warm up before games.


It is a simple meditation pose which enhances our memory and concentration power.

D. SHAVASANA - It is the easiest yoga. It is performed for relaxing the body after performing all asanas this must be performed for 3-5 minutes.

E. TADASANA - This is also called tree pose. It increases the concentration power and is good for enhancing height.



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