Disability is an impairment that may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental and physical, etc. It affects everyday activities of the individual to a considerable amount. It may be present in an individual from birth or occur during once lifetime.

Disability e is an injury that restricts the functions are moment of an individual or we can say it is the consequences of an impairment caused to an individual.

A disability is a functional limitation or restriction of an individual's ability to perform an activity.

Types of Disability -:

Disability occurs two individuals in many ways and with varied severity. Some individuals are disabled right at bus while other individuals get disables going to some events during the course of their lives. Mainly there are three types of disabilities as described below :-

A. Cognitive Disability -

Indeed, it is a neurological disorder that creates hindrance of obstruction for an individual to store per process and produce information. This disability can affect an individual's ability or capability to read, compute, speak and write . So this type of disability can also be called invisible disability because unlike other disabilities, you may not be able to assess the condition by just looking at the individual.

B. Intellectual Disability -

Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behaviour, which covers a range of everyday social and practical skills. This disability is related to individuals thought process, communication, money, learning, problem solving and judgement. It also includes psychiatry disability which is related to the individual social disabilities such as behaviour, emotions and thinking. The intellectual disability begins before the age of 18 years.

C. Physical Disability -

Physical disability is a limitation on an individual physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina. Other impairments such as respiratory disorders, blindness, epilepsy and sleep disorders, which limit other facets of daily life are also included in physical disabilities. Physical disability main is abi motor efficiency or a sensory impairment for stop motor deficiency is related to spinal cord, causing paralysis to some or all the limbs. It may also be related to brain damage which may occur before birth, during or after birth or after a stroke. In simple words physical disability is one that affect a person's mobility or dexterity.

Causes of Disabilities -:

A. Genetic cause -

Some disabilities are known to be inherited such as spinal muscular atrophy and Muscular dystrophy. Abnormality in jeans and genetic inheritance causes intellectual disability in children. Sometimes, disease, illness and over exposure to x-rays may cause genetic disorder.

B. Poverty -

Poverty is one of the major causes of disability. Generally, it is seen that poor persons are the most vulnerable to disability because the live and work in unsafe environment with poor sanitation. They don't have good living conditions for stop they usually have a little access to education, safe drinking water and proper nutrition. Owing to these conditions they fall prey to such diseases that lead them towards disability. Many babies may be born with disabilities because they did not get enough nutrition during gestation.

C. Mental Health Problems -

Mental health problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, etc may lead to disability. As a matter of fact, the causes of mental health problems are very difficult to diagnose. That tend to be some of the most misunderstood disabilities.

D. Poor Approach to Health Care -

Many disabilities can be prevented easily if there is proper axis or approach to health care facilities. Sometimes, good health care facilities are not available during difficult labour and birth full stop it may cause a baby to be born with a disability such as cerebral palsy full stop professionally trained persons could handle such emergencies. They can prevent babies from being born with such disabilities. Usually people who lives in remote areas, do not have proper access to healthcare facilities, and thus, sometimes babies suffer disabilities.

E. Wars - 

It is usually seen in wars  that the most of the civilians are killed or disabled along with the soldiers. Bomb explosions causes people to become deaf and dumb and lose their limbs. Not only the physical health but mental health of the individuals is also badly affected by nuclear, biological and atomic weapons.

F. Lack of Education - 

Lack of education may lead to disablity. Generally, labourers are not educated. They fall prey to certain diseases which can be avoided by using scientific method or by taking precautions. But due to ignorance that do not adopt such precautionary methods. Hence, their chances to get a disability are on the rise.

G. Medicines & Vaccines -

No doubt medicines and vaccines are essential to protect health and prevent disability but there are a number of of practitioners in the medical field who are not qualified or registered. That don't take proper care while dealing with patients. The use of unclean syringes main cause serious diseases like hepatitis for HIV / AIDS. Improperly stored as well as wrong vaccines may cause allergic reactions, poisoning and deafness to child.

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