There are different effects of exercise on our body here we will talk about 2 main types of effects from exercise in our body.

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When we do regular exercise some permanent changes take place in a Muscular System. The changes occur only one exercise are performed on daily basis. If we do exercise only once there will be changes in our Muscular System but only for temporary phase. Following changes in our Muscular System can be seen easily if exercise is done on regular basis :-

A. Change in shape and size of                 muscles -

Through exercise the shape and size of muscle is changed. In fact cells of muscles are enlarged which change the shape and size of the muscle.

B. Delays fatigue - 

Regular exercise delays fatigue fullstop fatigue is mainly due to formation of carbon dioxide, lactic acid and acid phosphate. The accumulation of co², acid phosphate and lactic acid become less in an individual who exercise regularly. Hence fatigue can be delayed if exercises are performed daily.

C. Body posture remains correct -

Map of forming regular exercise the strength of muscles increases which in turn keep the body posture in correct position. Also, postural deformities do not occur in a body. If there is any physical deformity it is removed by doing regular exercises.

D. Non functioning fibre become           active - 

When we do not do any strenuous work all the muscle fibres of our body at rest. But when he perform exercise on regular basis the non functioning fibres also begin to get active. Consequently, the strength of body increases because the total contractile power of the muscle fibres increases.

E. Change in connective tissues - 

The connective tissue which connect fibre become powerful by performing regular exercise. These tissues can bear stress of strenuous activity and can be extended up to some degree.

F. Increases food storage & control        extra fat -

The capacity of food storing is increased when regular exercises are done full stop this stored food can be utilised immediately wherever it is needed full stop also regular exercise controlled extra fat on the body and exercises burns the extra calories deposited in the form of fat.

G. Improves reaction time -

As a result of performing regular exercises the speed of nerve impulses increases which ultimately improve the reaction time. These impulses more very quickly from motor nerves from nervous system to muscles fibre. Owing to this the reaction time improves.


After performing exercises for a long time certain adaptations take place in our cardiorespiratory system. The various effects of exercises as stated below :- 

A. Increases blood flow - 

In response to the need to supply the muscles is more oxygen during exercises the body increases its number of capillaries. The existing capillary is also open wider. The blood redistribution become more efficient and effective. As a result it there is an increased blood circulation in the body.

B. Increase in endurance -

If exercises are performed regularly and for a longer period, it increases endurance. An activity can be done for a longer period without taking any rest. Those who do not perform exercises have less endurance. They can not continue exercises for a longer duration of time. 

C. Decrease in resting heart rate - 

Regular exercise decreases the resting heart rate. If a 10 week training program is given to an individual whose initial resting heart rate is 72 beats per minute, after this training time is resting heart rate may be reduced up to 10 beats per minute. After regular exercises the hard finally become more efficient.

D. Increases in size of heart - 

Main individual perform regular exercises the muscle of heart increases in strength and size. In fact the left ventricle adapts to the greatest extent. The heart valves grow stronger and thicker. 

E. Increases lung efficiency to                  deliver oxygen -

Improvement in the lung efficiency cause oxygen to be delivered more readily to working muscles and it also remove waste products from the body. The number of alveoli in the lungs increases to enable more gas exchange to occur. More capillaries are formed in the lungs which allow more blood to flow out of the lungs. This improves the uptake of oxygen.

F. Quicker recovery rate - 

Regular exercise quickens the recovery rate. A trained athletes heart rate become normal quickly then in a beginner. Rate of respiration also becomes normal rapidly. Therefore, the recovery becomes fast.

G. Unused alveoles become active -

Regular exercise activates and used alveoles, because much amount of oxygen is required in vigorous and prolonged exercise full stop the passive alveoles also become active.


Yuvraj Pareek said…
Unknown said…
Very well written
Ankit Saini said…
Bro yhe links saare kaam nhi kr rhe

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