Exercise of physical activity has the potential to improve the physical and mental health of the nation, reduced the maximum causes of mortality and improve life expectancy. It can save money by significantly easing the burden of chronic diseases. Exercise is important for us to remain active throughout our lives. It is significant for infants, childrens and teens growth and development. This continuous through preschool, school, adolescence, adulthood and older years. 

There are following guidelines related to exercise or physical activity in various stages of growth and development. 

A. Infancy (1 to 2 years) - 

During this stage of growth and development, physical activity on exercise should be encouraged. Gross motor activities or exercise should be promoted. Exercises to develop head control, sitting, crawling, etc., should be encouraged. Infants should be indulged in some exercises such as moving arms and legs and reaching to various objects fall stop infants should be provided objects, toys and games that encourage them to move and do things for themselves. They should be provided with safe environment for performing these activities or exercises. Simple exercises like throwing, catching and kicking a ball may be most suitable exercises during the stage of infancy.

B. Early Childhood (3 to 7 years) -

During this is stage of growth and development such exercises of physical activities should be encouraged which helps in developing competence in movement skills. Emphasis should be laid down on participation and not on competition. During this stage, activities related to fine Motor skills that are coordinative abilities should be emphasised. Structured as well as unstructured physical activities should also be performed daily for at least 60 minutes my children during this stage of growth. They may be allowed to watch quality programs on TV for 1 to 2 hours.

C. Later Childhood (8 to 12 years) - 

During this stage of growth and development children should indulge in activities such as stunts, throwing, jumping, catching, running, etc. So that they can acquire body control, strength and coordination. However, activities related to endurance should be avoided. Stress should also be laid down on organised or team games which aim to develop social consciousness in them. During this stage, children should be introduced to competitive sport and thought the basic role of sport competition that are enjoying the game, fair play, simple strategies and tactics.

D. Adolescence (13 to 19 years) -

During this stage of adolescence, moderate to vigorous intensity exercise / physical activity is recommended for at least 60 minutes and up to several hours everyday. They should also indulge in muscle strengthening exercises at least 3 days per week they should also include bone strengthening exercises. Adolescence for teenagers should reduce sedentary behaviour. Physical activity or exercise such as running, gymnastics, push-ups, jumping rope, playing hockey, basketball, swimming, tennis and resistance exercises should be included. 

E. Adulthood (Above 19 years) -

Adults should try to be active always. They should do brisk walking coma bike riding coma dancing and swimming with moderate intensity. They should also indulge in running, aerobic exercises, weight training, push ups, sit-ups, etc. for muscle strengthening. They should minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary. As a matter of fact, adults required such exercises or activities that help to increase their muscular and bone strength. So, they should perform resistance exercises at least 2 days a week to tone their muscles and bones. For bone strengthening they should include running coma jumping rope and weight training exercises.

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