Exercise :

Exercise means any movement that makes your muscles work and required for body to burn calories. 

Why to do exercise ?

A. Enhanced physical appearance - 

Not only can exercise help you feel better      but it also help us to look better as well.          However genetic plays a major role in our    physical and overall appearance. It is a matter of fact that everybody wants to have a good as well as healthy appearance. Hence exercises are important. 

B. Improved Emotional health - 

Improved physical and emotional health is also one of the reasons to do exercise on daily basis. It is a fact that exercise is a mood booster as it releases chemical into our brain that help us to feel happier and ease the effects of depression. It also helps in improving self-esteem and self-confidence.

C. For Controlling Body Weight -

Controlling body weight is another reason to perform exercise on daily basis. If it is done regularly it helps to control and manage our body weight and it also prevents many of the diseases. In fact exercise burn calories which results in shedding our extra body weight.

D. For Improved Social Relations - 

For good social health, social relations are very essential. By joining and exercise group or a class such as dance,  volleyball team and any group our social relations are improved. Hence improve social relations is also one of the significant reasons to exercise.

E. For Long Term Health - 

Regular exercise leads to good health. Regular exercises can prevent various cardiovascular diseases. Working out regularly increases good cholesterol and decrease in the risk of serious medical issues especially those pertaining to heart. Hence gaining long-term health is also one of the reasons to perform exercise on daily basis.

F. Feels More Energetic - 

One of the main reason for performing exercise regularly is that it gives us more energy and we feel energetic. Ab workout can help oxygen flow more freely throughout the body and give us a much needed bus of energy. This bust of energy also occurs after exercise.

G. Improves Physiological Health &       Fitness -

To attain improved physiological health and fitness is also a major reason to perform exercise. In fact regular exercise improves the physiological health. All the systems of our body become efficient. The fitness of an individual is also improved by regular exercise.

H. Helps in Early Recovery from             Injury - 

Exercise helps repair body d from damage done by injury. When we increase muscular tissues and white blood cells by exercising our body is better able to reduce inflammation that occurs from injury.

I. Strengthen Bones & Muscles - 

Regular exercise helps in strengthen bones and muscles it can also slow down the loss of bone density that comes with age. Doing muscle strengthening exercise can help in increasing and maintaining muscle mass and strength. Exercise stimulates bone growth. 

J. Boosts Memory - 

Regular physical exercise boast the ability to learn new things as well as it both stuff are memory. Regular exercise increases the cells which are responsible for memory and learning. Some studies indicate that running sprints improve vocabulary retention among healthy adults. Studies also show that regular physical exercise helps a neurones to stay in shape especially in the memory areas of the brain. 


Chirag mittal said…
Satyam Daulani said…
Helpful content😊
Geetesh said…
Darshita Singh said…
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