Postural deformities means not having proper alignment of body parts. Person suffering from postural deformities can not perform his task effectively and efficiently.

Types of postural deformities in upper body are -:


Kyphosis implies an increase or exaggeration of a backward or posterior curve or decrease or reversal of a forward curve. It is also called round upper back. Depression of chest is common in kyphosis. 

Causes of Kyphosis - kyphosis is caused by malnutrition, illness, crowded areas, unavailability of pure air, insufficient exercise, heavy load on shoulders, shyness among girls, etc.

Precautions from Kyphosis - From the very beginning, teachers and parents should teach appropriate posture of sitting, standing and walking to the children so that their posture may remain balanced. Proper and adequate exercise is not only helpful in maintaining proper posture but also control the problem of kyphosis. If specific precautions are not followed it may result in kyphosis.

Remedies for kyphosis are - 

A. Always keep a pillow under their back while sleeping.

B. Bend your head backward in standing position.

C. Sit in a chair such that your hips should touch the back of the chair. While looking upward holder hands behind the back in such a way that your shoulders merriment stressed backward. Remain in this position for some time for better results.

D. Hold out your arms at shoulder level and bend your elbows. Snap your elbows back to starting position. Repeat this exercise at least 8 time for best results.


Lordosis is the inward curvature of spine. In fact it is an increased forward in the lumbar region. It creates problem in standing and walking. The body seems to be stiff in lordosis.

Causes of lordosis - Generally, imbalanced diet, improper environment, improper development of muscles, obesity and diseases affecting vertebrae and spinal muscles are the causes of lordosis. In addition to these causes not performing exercise and eating excessive food are also the major causes of lordosis.

Precautions - Balanced diet should be taken. The body should be kept straight while carrying weight. Excessive intake of food should be avoided. Obesity should be kept away specially in early age. Proper exercise should be done for preventing lordosis.

Remedies for lordosis are - 
A. While maintaining a standing position, bend forward from hip level repeat this exercise for 10 times.

B. Lie down on your back and raise your head and legs simultaneously for 10 times.

C. Sit down and extend your legs forward. Try to bring your needs to touch your forehead. Repeat this exercise for 10 times.

D. Perform sit-ups and Halasana regularly.


Postural adaptation of spine in lateral direction is called scoliosis. In fact, these are sideways curves and may be called scoliotic curves. Indeed these costs are identified as either convexity right or right convexity curve. As simple or single curve to the left or convexity left is commonly called a 'C' curve.

Causes of scoliosis - scoliosis may be due to many reasons but the main reason are disease in the joints of bones, under-developed legs, infantile paralysis, rickets, carrying heavy loads on one shoulder, etc.

Precautions of scoliosis - balance diet should be taken, studying should be avoided in sideways bending position. Avoid walking for long time while carrying weight in one hand.

Remedies for scoliosis are - 

A. Bending exercise should be done on the opposite side of the 'C' shaped curve.

B. Hold the horizontal bar with hands and let your body hang for sometime.

C. Holder horizontal bar with your hands and showing your body to the left and right sides.

D. Swim by using breaststroke technique.


In this postural deformity, the shoulders become round and sometime this seem to be bent forward.

Causes of Round Shoulders -  The main cause of round shoulders may be due to heredity. Sitting, standing and walking in bent position may also result in round shoulders. Becoming habitual to press the chest, especially at the time of bench press may cause round shoulders. Lack of proper exercise especially of shoulders may also lead to round shoulders. 

Precautions of Round Shoulders - Don't sit, walk or stand in bent position. Avoid tight fitting clothes and avoid sitting on uncomfortable furniture.

Remedies for Round Shoulders are -

A. Keep your tips of fingers on your shoulders and rotate your elbows in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.

B. Hold the horizontal bar for some time.

C. Perform chakrasana and dhanurasana regularly.

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