Surya Namaskar: poses, Benefits and more.



Surya Namaskar, salute to the sun is a practice in yoga exercise incorporating a flow sequence of some twelve gracefully linked asanas.

Surya Namaskar is also known as the ultimate Asana as it also strengthens your back as well as your muscles and bring down blood sugar levels. It also improve metabolism and blood circulation and ensures regular menstrual cycle for women.

Pose 1 :

Prayer pose - pranamasana.


Procedure - Start by standing straight at the front of your mat, bringing your feet together, and keeping arms loose alongside. Now close your eyes and bring up arms to make in the centre of your chest. Relax the whole body.

Benefits - 

A. This pose relaxes the nervous system and helps in gaining the balance of the body.

B. It also helps relieve stress and anxiety.

C. It relaxes thoracic region.

Pose 2 : 

Raised Arm Pose - Hasta Uttanasana


Procedure - This asana is started by deeply exhaling. Inhale deeply there after stretching your arms forward and bringing them up over your head. Look up and stretch the body is slightly backward by pushing your pelvis forward. Breathe out. (Focus on breathing-in when you arch backward, and as you bend forward breathe out.)

Benefits - 

A. It stretches and tones the muscles of abdomen.

B. Expands the whole body from heel to the tip of the fingers.

C. It improves digestion.

Pose 3 :

Hand to foot pose - Pada Hasasana.


Procedure - Stand straight on a flat surface, bend forward until fingers or palms of your hands touch your feet or either side of floor.
Try to touch your forehead with knees, do not bent your knees. Exhale while bending forward, inhale while coming back.

Benefits -
A. Eliminates excess belly fat in body.

B. Improves blood circulation and flexibility in your body.

C. It improves digestion and cures constipation and many stomach ailments.

D. It makes spinal flexible.

Pose 4 :

Equestrian pose - Ashwa Sanchalanasana.

Procedure - Next step, breath in and push your right leg as far back as possible full stop touch the floor with your left knee and band the left ne at 90° angle. Balance your body on toes while distributing your weight evenly and slowly raise your head to look up.

Benefits - 

A. The pause massages the abdominal organs and improve their functioning and strengthen the leg muscles and induces balance in the nervous system.

B. Stretches and tones the liver.

C. Lengthen the spine and strengthen the muscle of chest, increases lung capacity.

Pose 5 : 

Mountain pose - parvatasana.

Procedure - Breathe in and take your both leg backwards. Keep your palms on floor and elbows should be errect. Now try to touch your heels on the floor without shaking. Make an invert V (inside) from your legs and hands.

Benefits -

A. Increases flexibility in our body .

B. Our spine become strong and agile.

Pose 6 :

Salute with eight parts - Ashtanga Namaskara.


Procedure - Now gradually bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Slightly take up your hips back and slide forward. Relax your chest and chin on the ground. 

Benefits - 

A. It stretches your toes.

B. It strengthens your hands and forearms.

C. Can increase range of motion for back bends 

Pose 7 :

Cobra Pose - Bhujangasan.


Procedure - In order to perform this asana lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your hands near shoulders. Keep your legs close together, now straighten up your arms slowly with also raising chest. Head should be backward.

Benefits - 
A. It provides strength, flexibility and agility.

B. It cures the diseases of liver.

C. It gives relief from problems of urinary bladder.

Pose 8 : 

Mountain pose - parvatasana.


Procedure - Breathe in and take your both leg backwards. Keep your palms on floor and elbows should be errect. Now try to touch your heels on the floor without shaking. Make an invert V (inside) from your legs and hands.

Benefits -

A. Increases flexibility in our body .

B. Our spine become strong and agile.

Pose 9 : 

Equestrian pose - Ashwa Sanchalanasana.


Procedure - Next step, breath in and push your right leg as far back as possible full stop touch the floor with your left knee and band the left ne at 90° angle. Balance your body on toes while distributing your weight evenly and slowly raise your head to look up.

Benefits - 

A. The pause massages the abdominal organs and improve their functioning and strengthen the leg muscles and induces balance in the nervous system.

B. Stretches and tones the liver.

C. Lengthen the spine and strengthen the muscle of chest, increases lung capacity.

Pose 10 :

Hand to foot pose - Hasta Padasana.


Procedure - Stand straight on a flat surface, bend forward until fingers or palms of your hands touch your feet or either side of floor.
Try to touch your forehead with knees, do not bent your knees. Exhale while bending forward, inhale while coming back.

Benefits -
A. Eliminates excess belly fat in body.

B. Improves blood circulation and flexibility in your body.

C. It improves digestion and cures constipation and many stomach ailments.

D. It makes spinal flexible.

Pose 11 :

Raised arms pose - Hasta Uttanasana.


Procedure - This asana is started by deeply exhaling. Inhale deeply there after stretching your arms forward and bringing them up over your head. Look up and stretch the body is slightly backward by pushing your pelvis forward. Breathe out. (Focus on breathing-in when you arch backward, and as you bend forward breathe out.)

Benefits - 

A. It stretches and tones the muscles of abdomen.

B. Expands the whole body from heel to the tip of the fingers.

C. It improves digestion.

Pose 12 : 

Prayer pose - pranamasana.


Procedure - Start by standing straight at the front of your mat, bringing your feet together and keeping arms lose alongside. Now close your eyes and bring up arms to make in the centre of your chest. Relax the whole body.

Benefits - 

A. This pose relaxes the nervous system and helps in gaining the balance of the body.

B. It also helps relieve stress and anxiety.

C. It relaxes thoracic region.

    Thankyou for visiting.


Yash Kundnani said…
Nice 💥😎

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