‘ ‘To sit in a comfortable position for everlasting period is called asana.’’ In asana, body is kept in various positions in such a way that the activities of organs and glands of body become more efficient and eventually the health of mind and body is improved. Benefits of Asanas -: A. Respiratory Organs Becomes Efficient - By performing asanas on daily basis our respiratory organs become stronger. The vital air capacity of our lungs increases. As a result of doing asana many disease such as Asthma, cough, cancer can be prevented. B. Muscles Becomes Strong - By performing asana regularly muscle in the body become strong. The efficiency of machine increases. Fat does not accumulate in the body. C. Bones & Joints become stronger - By performing asana on a regular basis the bones, cartilage and ligaments become strong. It also enhances the height in children. The joints are able to bear more pressure. Asana also enhanced the fl...