Yoga Asanas Beneficial During Pregnancy.


 Yoga is an ancient and traditional form of exercise that will not only improve our strength and endurance but enhance the overall quality of life. The asanas in yoga focus on mental and physical well-being and also allows one to achieve relaxation and serenity.

Pregnancy is the most blissful and one of the happiest moments of a women. but for most of women out there, the hormonal changes during the nine months involve battling mood swings, suffering from mental and physical fatigue, sickness, breathing problems, and many more. Exercising and staying active is very important even during pregnancy to ease up the body and prevent complications and thanks to yoga asanas which provide a spiritual and natural pathway o achieve a healthy body and relaxed mind.

Also read yoga and its benefits.

5 Beneficial Yoga Asanas During Pregnancy -:

Positions and exercises to be performed during the three trimesters of pregnancy differ with every phase. This article will bring out five power-packed yoga postures to ease up pregnancy.

1. Bhadrasana or Butterfly Pose -


Sit on the mat with legs fully stretched. Keeping the legs in contact of the mat form a "namaste" with your feet, touching each other. Sit straight without leaning forward. Place your hands on the knees or ankles. Hold the posture for some time till you feel comfortable. Straighten your legs, relax for a minute and repeat again.


It strengthen the pelvic region, improves flexibility in the groin and hip region, stretches the thighs and knees and reduces pain.

2. Trikonasana or Triangle Pose -


In beginning stand with your legs apart, then raise the arms sideways up to shoulder level. Bend your trunk sideways and raise opposite hand upward, another hand should touch the ground or feet. After a period of time perform same asana with opposite side.


It reduces back pain and reduces stress, improves digestive function during pregnancy and enhances hip flexibility. It reduces the excess body weight, it also increases mental health equilibrium.

3. Marjariasana or Cat/ Cow Pose -

Bend on your knees and keep your head straight. Inhale deeply and lift your chin while pushing back your head a bit. Keep your buttocks firm and hold the posture for 30 seconds or as long as you are comfortable, while breathing deeply. Breathe out and bring your chin close to your chest. Relax your buttocks and arch the back as much as comfortably possible. Hold for some time and repeat the posture for 3 more times.


This is beneficial in the third trimester. It improves blood circulation, stretches the back and shoulders, making the spine flexible.


4. Parvatasana or  Mountain Pose -

First of all sit in  padmasana, now stretch your arm sideways and bring them overhead slowly. After that let  your palms touch each other. Then stretch your hands upward  well without bending elbows. Make sure that your spine is erect.


It improves body posture, relieves from back and neck pain and increases the flexibility of the hip. It is extremely beneficial in case of asthma. It improves the functioning of spinal cord and it also helpsin increasing height.

5. Shavasana or Corpse Pose -

Lie down in on the floor election be straight. Keep the arms away from the body full stop leave all the limbs loss as well as relaxed close your eyes and then gently breathe in. Feel a complete relaxation in your body. Remain in this position for 10 to 12 minutes.


It strengthen the nervous system. It cures most type of cardiac problems. It regulates perfect blood circulation, and provide relief in many types of pain. It controls high blood pressure. It relaxes and calms complete body. It increases energy level and also give new vigour to both mind and body.

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