Effects of Daily Smoking

If you are addict of smoking cigarette then you should know about these hazardous effects caused by smoking cigarette. By 1964, the Surgeon General of the United States had proven that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. But, during the next 50 years, we discovered that smoking causes a slew of additional terrible diseases, leading to the 480,000 lives lost to tobacco that we confront today. Source Here are several smoking-related health effects you may not have heard about... 1. Type 2 Diabetes Tobacco use leads to type 2 diabetes and raises the risk of complications, such as impaired blood flow to the legs and feet. This can result in infection and the need to amputate a limb. Yes, you may lose a foot or a limb. 2. Blindness Cigarette smoking is bad for your eyes. Smoking raises your chances of developing age-related macular degeneration, the main cause of blindness in individuals over the age of 65. 3. Ectopic Pregnancy Source Ectopic pregnancy is a potentially ...