Best Cardio Workout at Your Home.


Cardio is defined as any type of exercise that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for a prolonged period of time. Your respiratory system will start working harder as you begin to breathe faster and more deeply.

10 Benefits of cardio workout :

. Lowers blood pressure.
. Helps regulate blood sugar.
. Reduce asthma symptoms.
Reduce chronic pain.
. Regulates weight.
. Aids sleep.
. Improves brain power.
. Strengthens immune system.
. Boosts mood.
. Improves cardiovascular health.

Exercises to be performed for good cardio workout -:

Walking, jogging, and jumping are the most common cardio exercises, but there are several other cardio exercises you can do to achieve a healthy and toned look. Below are some other popular cardio exercises:

1. Plank Jacks

To perform this exercise you should start in a plank position. make sure your core is tight, jump your feet apart, and then bring your feet back to the starting position. It is very important to keep your abs engaged throughout the movement to put the workload on your abs and not your spine. Depending on your individual fitness level, perform this move for 20-60 seconds for 3 rounds.

2. Jogging in Place

If you like jogging, but can not go outside, this a good exercise for you to get the same benefits while staying indoors. This simple exercise does not demand any type of equipment and is very effective. To perform this exercise, perform your regular job but stay in place. For best results, perform with running shoes on. Depending on fitness level, perform this move for 30-60 seconds of 3 rounds.

3. Mountain Climbers

Start in a plank position. Bring your knees to your chest, get back to the previous position, and then repeat with opposite knee. Depending on fitness level of an individual, perform this exercise for 20-30 seconds for 3 rounds.

4. Burpees

To perform this exercise, start standing straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Then, squat while placing your hands on the floor in front of you and then kick your legs out in the plank position. Once in the plank position, perform a pushup, then return to squat position, and jump with your arms up. Depending on fitness level, perform this move for 20-30 seconds for 3 rounds.

5. Jumping Rope

Skipping rope is one of the best known exercise for cardiovascular workout. Grab a handle in each hand and start with the rope behind you, so it is right at your heels. Now gently rotate your forearms forward and then your wrists to generate momentum and swing it overhead. As the rope near your knee and toes jump at that moment so that rope passes under you and this one rep. depending on your fitness, perform this exercise for 60-80 seconds for 3 rounds.

 6.Arm Circles

A person can perform arm circles while sitting or standing. To perform this exercise, rotate your arms in a circular motion, both clockwise and anti-clockwise. The movement may resemble a butterfly or a backstroke. If any person has limited mobility in their arms, they can extend their arms so their sides and draw small circles.

7. Trunk Rotation

The trunk rotation works the abdominal muscles while testing the cardiovascualr  system. To perform this exercise, stand with a heavy object at chest with elbows to the sides. Now twist the torso, turning to the one side, then to the other side. If a person is not able to hold weight then he can also just keep their hands straight at shoulder level. 

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